In Kerala, South India, most of the tropical rubber tree plants very small, a typical holding of less than 20 hectares. Not the rubber plantations with thousands of acres of land. Kerala based CocoLatex Dunlop provides natural organic mattress retailer in the U.S.
The rubber tree Hevea brasiliensis, or grows at higher elevations with good drainage and is not suitable for agriculture of mass production. Farmers with great care in planting trees to ensure their health. In more open areas, trees, pineapples are among the gum trees planted International. In mountainous areas, companion shrubs in the ground in the shadows and to maximize the water available for tree roots.
Rubber trees have three “skins” that are a little sensitive. Tapping a tree by hand, it is easy to cut too deep. Although farmers friendly for visitors and may even allow you to try the knife, you can feel their collective sigh when a fan violated the bark. Fortunately, an experienced farmer is rapidly reshaping the cup so that the serum is performed correctly. Walk from tree to tree in the shade, they end the daily pick-noon. At its height, each tree produces only 1-2 cups a day serum. Old trees produce less, and latex will slow towards the end of the annual cycle of trees. Years and in some places still, farmers use coconut half to collect the serum.
Farmers planted their assets periodically put in new plants. They treat the trees with great respect and care. For the first seven years, young trees are left to grow strong and remain unused. Rubber wood is a sustainable forest, and is gaining popularity in the United States.
CocoLatex The plant employs 80 professionals in various roles, whose livelihood depends on the remarkable benefits of the rubber tree. They produce the foam on a daily basis, emptying the barrels in huge mixers and centrifuges, testing and correction of the liquid mixture, filling the molds, steam cooking and washing to produce layers, and inspect the final quality of the leaves when dried. The finished plates are packed in plastic double and a puncture-resistant material.
Is transformed as renewable serum, revealed by a tree in many types of major products, rubber industry offers self-subsistence and comfort for many people and their families.
While the profound interdependence of people and trees is often overlooked, is the majestic eucalyptus tree is one of the most sustainable resources, renewable and reliable human production.