Without doubt, the sushi is a food-shopping and daring ever invented. The sushi is a food group that encourages creativity and fosters extraordinary. eating sushi for the most part, is not only an opportunity for food, but the opportunity to enjoy the many wonderful taste of the sea
Native to Southeast Asia, the sushi (literally translated – bitter taste) is strongly influenced by Japanese culture and practice.
Enjoy sushi is the easy part. Only some of the sushi menu that is experiencing (bowl of rice topped with vegetables) Chirashizushi Inarizushi (bag of fried tofu), maki (the cylindrical part of ingredients), narezushi (top-fermented sushi), nigirizushi (rice-shaped box), Oshizushi (pressed sushi) and sushi in the West (ie, paper roll California roll Philadelphia or Seattle). yu, soy sauce, chile, mint, wasabi, gari, caviar and mechanic (raw green tea). Invite a cooking utensil can hangiri (rice drum), Hoch (knives), a makisu (bamboo tape) Ryoribashi (cooking chopsticks), a (wooden rice paddle) shamoji a Makiyakinabe (rectangular omelet pan) and a Oshizushihako (poor) to name a few.
Sushi on each trip you want to start taking rice. Condiments such as rice vinegar, sea salt, kombu (seaweed), sugar and sake, all the eloquence be included.
Since the fall of the bone ribs, sushi rice should easily collapse under the lush sensations of his mouth. Rice plays an important role in the process and the quality of the sushi and the rice and cycling can make a difference.
As important as rice, fish is well. Finally, the tag plays a minor role in the sushi parade. It is important to note that the elite sushi sushi is served without sauce or side to eat.
Native to Southeast Asia, the sushi (literally translated – bitter taste) is strongly influenced by Japanese culture and practice.
Enjoy sushi is the easy part. Only some of the sushi menu that is experiencing (bowl of rice topped with vegetables) Chirashizushi Inarizushi (bag of fried tofu), maki (the cylindrical part of ingredients), narezushi (top-fermented sushi), nigirizushi (rice-shaped box), Oshizushi (pressed sushi) and sushi in the West (ie, paper roll California roll Philadelphia or Seattle). yu, soy sauce, chile, mint, wasabi, gari, caviar and mechanic (raw green tea). Invite a cooking utensil can hangiri (rice drum), Hoch (knives), a makisu (bamboo tape) Ryoribashi (cooking chopsticks), a (wooden rice paddle) shamoji a Makiyakinabe (rectangular omelet pan) and a Oshizushihako (poor) to name a few.
Sushi on each trip you want to start taking rice. Condiments such as rice vinegar, sea salt, kombu (seaweed), sugar and sake, all the eloquence be included.
Since the fall of the bone ribs, sushi rice should easily collapse under the lush sensations of his mouth. Rice plays an important role in the process and the quality of the sushi and the rice and cycling can make a difference.
As important as rice, fish is well. Finally, the tag plays a minor role in the sushi parade. It is important to note that the elite sushi sushi is served without sauce or side to eat.
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